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This is unofficial website for Bulehora town.

Developed By Gemechis Elias

Background & Histroy

Magaalli Bulee Horaa bara 1915 hundoofte. Mana Qopheessaa bara 1934 argatte "Master plan" jalqaba bara 1959 argatte. Kantiibaa guutuu kan taate bara 2006 ture. Magaalaan tun tilmaamaan jiraattoota 300,000 oli ni qabdi.
Magaalota Oromiyaa qabdu keessa magaalti Bulee Horaa sochii daldalaatiin sadarkaa dura irratti argamti.
Dhaabbatni gugurdaan kan mootummaa fi dhuunfaa baay'ee magaala kana keessatti baay'innaan argamu. Dhaabbattoota mootummaa keessa kanneen akka:- Yuunivesritii Bulee Horaa, Kolleejjii Barsiisota Bulee Horaa, Dhaabbata BLTO, Hospitaala Bulee Horaa, Telecommunication damee kibba, Humna ibsaa damee kibba fi damee giddu galaa gabaa midhaan(ECX) magaaluma kana keessatti argamu.
Baankota dhunfaa fi mootummaa 15 olitti magaala kana keessatti argama.Cinaan magaala kana sayitii buna gogaa fi jiidhaa industirii 445 oli kan godina Gujii Lixa marfamte jirti.
Magaala Bulee Hora gidduu daldala kallattii adda addaan kan qabdu. Kana jechuun kallattii kaabaan Oomisha cash crops(fkn Buna), kallattii bahaan Oomishaa albuuda adda addaa(Worqii, dhakaa babareedoo fi industirii), Lixaan Oomisha midhaan biilaa(qamadii, xaafii fi garbuu) fi daldala horii, kibbaan daldala horii(loon, re'ee, hoolaa fi gaala) fi daldala Itiyoo-keeniyaatiin marfamte jirti.

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About this website

This website is unofficial and independent from gevernment. designed to help users learn about the town a little bit. Design and developer by Gemechis Elias (Horan Software).
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Did you know?

Bule Hora is one of the top cities of Oromia known for its high commercial activity, In addition to famous dry coffee market, more than 445 industry production are located in the town. It is a city with nationally known investors.
Grow Business Bigger

Geographical Location

Bule Hora is a town in southern Oromia Region, Located on the paved Addis Ababa-Moyale highway, in the West Guji Zone. just 470 KM far apart from the capital city Addis Ababa.

KM from A.A


Top ranked city in commercial

+ Residents


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Sirna Gadaa Oromoo Gujii

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Aadaa Fuudhaa fi Heeruma Gujii

A. Kadha Sirni kun fedhii worra mucaa fuudhuu fi worra intala heerumtuu irrati hunda ee kan gaggeeffamuudha. Abbaan mucaa ykn mucaan intala tokko dhaggee yoo jaalate,Akka isiin worra mucaa heerumte jireenna gammadaa fi finna hortee karra hortee...

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Horan Software is taking Orders to develop website. visit www.gujisoftware.com for more. We design neat and clean website based on your interset and amount you afford. if you would like to support us in any ways, financially or by giving idea or material please contact me at 0976192036

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Software Engineering student at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University.
Born and raised in Bule Hora. Founder and developer of Horan Software

Sep 2.
About Us

Horan Software is a Technology Start-up based in Bule Hora and Addis Ababa. Established to solve the problems of our community with the help of technology.

Phone: +251 976192036

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